Follow the Colonel and the Major

The Colonel wants to know if you are 'keeping up the rear'
If so, follow this blog and let everyone in the Empire know the good news.
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Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Long Night

Following an especially long night with the Major and our comrade Sergei toasting everything in sight, I awoke to find myself suspended by my ankle from a Zeppelin somewhere over the Dalmatian coast

Thursday 11 March 2010

Pay Day

As an officer it is my duty to ensure that my men are paid on time for their services to queen and country. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the lot on a wager and have no means of paying them. It will 3 months until the next boat. I will be sure to request that the Major create a plausible story that will involve the locals, on which the men will no doubt take out their frustrations, thus keeping them occupied and their minds off the pay. I do have some regrets vis a vis the locals but then again at least I don't have to pay them.

The Colonel

Thursday 4 March 2010

The Window of Opportunity

Arriving early at his quarters after a night on the town with the local ladies, mostly wives of other officers, the Major found himself in a bit of a predicament. Having no key to his office and quarters he had no means of getting in. With great presence of mind he summoned several of the Pygmy porters and formed a human pyramid of which he was the summit. This position allowed him to access an open window to the office.....unfortunately this was not his office, not even the right building. It was infact the quarters of the Sergeant Major, a gruff fellow, who was rather disagreable about the whole matter, beating the Major to a pulp and re-expediting him back out of the window he had originally entered....

The Colonel
Creative Commons Licence
The Society for Gentlemen Explorers by Chris Robert Cameron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.