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Sunday 19 April 2009

The Castaways

During the storm we became disoriented and ended up crashing into a reef which made quick work of the boat leaving us shipwrecked on some godforsaken island. I gathered what was left of the provisions and the last caged chicken (who had turned out to be a cockerel thus explaining the lack of eggs) and ordered the Major to explore the island further whilst I kept watch for any ships.
The Major soon returned with a chap dressed in a white linen suit who introduced himself as the owner of the boat we had hired. He was not pleased to see his boat being used as firewood.
I quickly enquired how he had managed to find us. He replied that the marina was just five minutes down the beach. I immediately castigated the Major for being so bloody lazy and handed him the cockerel...

The Colonel
Creative Commons Licence
The Society for Gentlemen Explorers by Chris Robert Cameron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.