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Wednesday 23 April 2008

The Congo Wager

We rested for several months in Brazzaville on the banks of the great Congo river, we would often erect the marquee and sit of an evening observing the great swirling muddy torrent as it headed towards one of the many waterfalls, carrying with it large lumps of grassy earth upon which would be stranded some unfortunate local.
After a few gins the major and I would sit and wager on which ones would make it past the waterfall.
The game however was short lived as I caught the major cheating after I saw the same local johnny go past twice. The major, who is an absolute bounder, was paying them.
The afternoon was not a complete loss as, fortunately, the last man to float past never made it beyond the waterfall and I won my wager.

The Colonel
Creative Commons Licence
The Society for Gentlemen Explorers by Chris Robert Cameron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.