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Wednesday 22 July 2009

The Ascent

Following a crack in the cliff face we ascended slowly, linked together by a rope as was the fashion of the Alpinists. The Major wore an Austrian hat at a jaunty angle and a lederhosen that left his pale legs rather exposed. I commented that it was not healthy for a man to wear so much leather, bar on stage at the Moulin Rouge.
Having come to a rather difficult part of the rock face the Major paused and said to me -'I say Colonel do you know where the Andes are? 'Yes' I replied, 'on the end of your sleevies!!'
The Major finding this very amusing guffawed rather loudly which caused a small avalanche, fortunately for us it overshot us and wiped out the french basecamp instead.

The Colonel

SS Titanic

Having been invited to the Captains table that evening we retired to the upper deck where the Captain served champagne, finding it a tad warm he left rather briskly to fetch some ice for the bucket....the blighter never returned and the ship sank shortly thereafter. The Major pronounced the evening a 'total disaster'. To top it all we ended up sharing the bottle with the rest of the lifeboat, it was however chilled to perfection...

The Colonel
Creative Commons Licence
The Society for Gentlemen Explorers by Chris Robert Cameron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.